About ICWA

What is ICWA
The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 was passed to prevent American Indian and Alaskan Native children from being unjustly taken away and adopted outside their culture. This federal law governs child custody proceedings. It protects the best interests of indigenous children, safeguards the sovereignty of Tribal Nations, and promotes the stability and security of indigenous families.
We Want ICWA To Be Well-Respected in Nebraska
Native children and youth in Nebraska are separated from their families, communities and cultures at higher rates than other kids.
Native children are
of Nebraska’s child/youth population.
Native children are
more likely to be placed in foster care than non-Natives.
Native girls are
more likely than other girls to be court-ordered into the state’s juvenile facility.
Native boys are
overrepresented in the state’s male youth rehabilitation and treatment facility.
Native children are
of the out-of-home youth probation population.
Source: State of Nebraska Foster Care Review Board 2017-2018 Annual Report
ICWA For You
We want ICWA to be respected in Nebraska. ICWA ensures that the rights and culture of Indian children, families and tribes is protected. Here are some top-notch resources that introduce you to the law. Need more help? Contact Us.
I'm a family member of a Native child/youth in Nebraska...
- Indian Child Welfare Act: A Family’s Guide https://www.nicwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Family-Guide-to-ICWA-2018.pdf
- Your Rights Under the Indian Child Welfare Act https://test-lawhelp.pantheonsite.io/self-help-library/fact-sheet/your-rights-under-indian-child-welfare-act
- When Does ICWA Apply to Your Case? https://www.poncatribe-ne.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ICWAOverview.pdf
- Contact Us for help in getting a Qualified Expert Witness.
I’m a Nebraska social worker or juvenile justice worker who interacts with Native children/youth...
- Introduction to ICWA: NICWA Online Course https://www.nicwa.org/online-icwa-course/
- The Indian Child Welfare Act and Advocacy for Status Offenders
- https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/migrated/child/PublicDocuments/ICWA_factsheet.authcheckdam.pdf
- A Practical Guide to the Indian Child Welfare Act https://www.narf.org/nill/documents/icwa/
I’m a supervisor, manager or leader of an organization that works with Native families...
- A Guide to Compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act https://www.nicwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Guide-to-ICWA-Compliance-2018.pdf
- A Research Brief, Indian Child Welfare Act Measuring Compliance https://www.casey.org/media/measuring-compliance-icwa.pdf
- Measuring Compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act: An Assessment Toolkit
- http://centerforchildwelfare.fmhi.usf.edu/kb/icwa/ICWA_Compliance_Toolkit_Final(1).pdf
- Links to ICWA Resources https://icwa.narf.org/icw-quick-links
I’m a Nebraska judge or work in the Tribal or Non-Tribal courts system...
- Indian Child Welfare Act Judicial Benchbook http://www.ncjfcj.org/ICWABenchbook
- The Indian Child Welfare Act (Nebraska) https://supremecourt.nebraska.gov/sites/default/files/Programs/CIP/icwa101_webinar_updatedfinal.pdf
- ICWA After Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, A National & Local (Nebraska) Perspective https://binged.it/2MSJTm9
- Quick Reference Guides for Tribal and Non-Tribal Courts https://www.bia.gov/bia/ois/dhs/icwa
I’m a Tribal leader who wants to protect children’s rights and our sovereignty...
- Protecting Our Children Through Tribal Law (infographic poster) http://nni.arizona.edu/pdfs/nicwaposter-WEB.pdf
- Tribal Leadership Series: ICWA Advocacy https://www.nicwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ICWA-Advocacy.pdf
I’m a Nebraska state policymaker...
- Setting the Record Straight: The Indian Child Welfare Fact Sheet https://www.nicwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Setting-the-Record-Straight-2018.pdf
- Motivation and Early Childhood Policy: Science-Based Approaches for Policymakers and Public Systems https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/motivation-and-early-childhood-policy-science-based-approaches-for-policymakers-and-public-systems/
- National Conference of State Legislatures State-Tribal Institute http://www.ncsl.org/research/state-tribal-institute.aspx