Indian Children: Culturally Connected, Rights Protected
2022 – 2024 Strategic Plan

NICWC’s previous three-year strategic plan expired in 2021 with most goals and objectives being achieved. In October 2021, NICWC’s board, coalition, and staff members met to develop a strategic plan for 2022 to 2024. The new strategic directions are elevating awareness, engaging partners, and expanding capacity.
For information about our strategic plan, please read the 2021 Annual Report.
2019 – 2021 Strategic Plan
This three-year strategic plan has expired in 2021. We are pleased to announce that we have completed majority of our objectives.

Nebraska Tribal Trafficking Response Resources
Finalized September 2023
- Tribal Response and Resources for Human Trafficking Victims in Nebraska Tool: this is a quick checklist guide to help programs assess potential human trafficking cases, including links to short/fast screening tools, how to proceed with reporting a human trafficking case (if applicable), and tribal-specific resources available to assist survivors. This tool will be posted on (once the website is finished being built) and will be updated as needed, so please let us know if we need to change any phone numbers, information, etc. about your program.
- Sample Tribal Code Human Trafficking Language: many tribal codes for tribes in Nebraska have minimal or no reference to human trafficking. Attached is sample tribal code language to add/adapt for tribes in Nebraska. This sample language was taken from the MHA Nation’s tribal code.
2022 Annual Report
Finalized March 2023
This is NICWC’s second annual report!
The annual report is a comprehensive report on NICWC’s activities through 2022. The report includes information about NICWC, the 2022 timeline, Training and Education Highlights, 2022 Operating Revenue and Support, 2022 Operating Expenses, Thanks to Funders, Board Members, Staff Members, and NICWC’s contact information.
2021 Annual Report
Finalized March 2022
This is NICWC’s first annual report!
The annual report is a comprehensive report on NICWC’s activities through 2021. The report includes the history of NICWC, Board of Directors, the Coalition, NICWC’s Strategic Plan, new programs, Training and Education Recap, Comments from Training and Education Surveys, Special Thanks to Our Funders, 2021 Operation Revenue and Support, 2021 Operating Expenses, Acknowledgments, and Staff Members.
Native Voices: 2018 Listening Sessions
Published in 2018
NICWC hosted two listening sessions in Nebraska to listen to local Native Americans and other families voicing their concerns about issues involving child welfare and juvenile justice. The report reviews the key themes from the community session.
In the News
NICWC, ACLU of Nebraska File Brief in Native Family Rights Case
December 4, 2023
A law that requests active efforts to keep Native families together is at the heart of our new brief with ACLU.
Evaluating the Impact of Nebraska’s Indian Child Welfare Act
July 14, 2023
The Policies for Auction Policy Research to Build a Culture of Health released an blog about SCOTUS’ decision on the Indian Child Welfare Act and how NICWC and Claudette Grinnell-Davis have been evaluating the impacts of the law.
Brief Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Indian Child Welfare Act
August 23, 2022
The Public News Service released an article about the ACLU of Nebraska joining the national brief filed in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court and our Executive Director Misty Flowers talks about the Indian Child Welfare Act.

NICWC Receives $20,000 Grant from the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc.
June 24, 2022
NICWC has been awarded a $20,000 Thriving Women grant from the Seventh Generation Fund to support the Motherhood is Sacred Program.
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Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition, Inc. has been awarded a $20,000 Thriving Women grant from the Seventh Generation Fund to support the Motherhood is Sacred Program.
The Mother is Sacred (MIS) Program is a culturally specific program that provides support for Indigenous mothers making it a good program to help support women in recovery. The MIS program is a nationally acclaimed program developed by the Native American Fatherhood and Families Association (NAFFA). The mission of NAFFA is to strengthen families by responsibly involving fathers and mothers in the lives of their children, families and communities to provide happy and safe families. The vision of NAFFA is to support fathers and mothers in becoming models of healthy parenting everywhere. The MIS program provides support to families and their mental and emotional support. Offering the program virtually allows easy access for families and allows us to serve more mothers and caregivers. The curriculum offers participants the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of responsible motherhood as reflected in Native American values and beliefs. The program also encourages mothers in connecting/re-connecting with our tribal culture, language, and traditions. The program encourages healing from historical trauma which is needed all over Indian Country. Each participant will receive the following incentives: MIS workbook, planner, sticky notepad, pen, sage, smudge shell, notepad, certificate of completion, and gift certificates. Participants also receive a $20 gift certificate upon completion of the program.
“The Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples and the Thriving Women Program is honored to support the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition’s Motherhood is Sacred Program, which recognizes Indigenous women as the heart and backbone of Native Nations.
We believe in the importance of their vision and purpose to support the maternal wellbeing of Indigenous Women and that of their families, and advocating for a safe and restorative future for Native women and girls in Nebraska,” says a representative from the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc.
“It has been an absolute honor and privilege to facilitate Motherhood is Sacred classes for the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC). The curriculum is so powerful and uplifting, but the discussions and stories we share together as Native American mothers are the most impactful part of the class. So many participants have shared the positive difference that this class has had on their lives and in their families’ lives. I have been able to watch so many women strive for the goal of having a happy, safe and healthy family while elevating their roles as mothers to a sacred level. I feel blessed to get to be part of their growth as women and mothers along their healing journey,” says Chiara Cournoyer-Bruguier, Motherhood is Sacred Facilitator, Vice-Chair for the NICWC Board.
If you would like more information about the next MIS class, please contact Sami Magpie at [email protected] or at (855) 280-2526.
About the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc.
The Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc. was founded in 1977. Chiefs, clan mothers, youth, and community activists established the organization to respond to the needs of grassroots Indigenous communities and initiatives. The Seventh Generation focuses “…on cultural revitalization, leadership development, tribal sovereignty, and culturally appropriate economic development.” For more information about Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc., please visit their website at
2022 NICWA Member of the Year
April 12, 2022
We are excited to announce that NICWC received the 2022 NICWA Member of the Year award! We are very humbled and excited to receive this recognition from NICWA. We appreciate all that they do to protect ICWA and improve services for Native children and families.
Thank you NICWA!

Indigenous Parenting, ICWA, and Epigenetics with Grace Johnson, Misty Flowers, and Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown
October 18, 2023
Lyla June Johnson, Podcast Host of Nihihi, Our Voices: An Indigenous Solutions Podcast, talked with Grace Johnson (NICWC Board Member) about traditional Indigenous parenting techniques, from rites of passage to holding our babies when they cry. Lyla also spoke with Misty Flowers (NICWC Executive Director) about the recent win for the ICWA. Lyla also spoke with Elizabeth Lovejoy Brown (NICWC Board President) about epigenetic and how what our ancestors experience can affect our behavior today at least three generations forward, how we feel things and we don’t know why.
Nebraska Judicial Branch Podcast
November 19, 2021
Listen to Misty Flowers, the Executive Director, and Jill Holt, the Training and Education Director, talk about NICWC and serving on the Consortium of Tribal, State, and Federal Courts.
Tax Forms
At this time, we are currently updating our website so their might be some missing pieces like this. Please contact us for more information.